Oriental Rug Hand Cleaning Master & Repair

Phone: (407) 492 - 8193

Color Bleeding Specialist

Color Bleeding Removal and Control

Over 30 Years Experience

Since 1992

Useful Rug Cleaning Tricks

The Right Way to Clean Rugs!

You’ve got your used old rug, and you’re ready to make it look as good as new. But what to do when you want an efficient way of rug cleaning? What are the best cleaning tricks? Here are three of them:


This can help to get rid of any loose dirt or dust that may have accumulated. Use a vacuum to remove dust and dirt from your rug before cleaning. This can make the cleaning process easier and more effective, as it allows you to remove hair, dust, and other debris without having to do any further scrubbing after the cleaning process is complete.


Don’t worry, it’s not for your furniture! It’s formulated for rugs and carpets. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly afterward so that no residue remains on the rug. Use a mild detergent when washing your rug. You should use a non-bleach detergent for best results. If you are using a carpet shampooer, you should use a mild soap or carpet cleaner that does not contain bleach or color brighteners.

Removing Stains

Use specific solutions on the rug and let it sit overnight before vacuuming again in the morning. Always rinse your rug well after washing it. This will prevent rugs from acquiring a lot of dark spots and unnecessary dust.

Extra tip: You should never leave a wet rug out to dry by itself, because it will shrink as it dries up, causing the fibers to break down more quickly than they should be able to do so naturally. Instead, take care to dry them quickly with a fan or other method before letting them sit alone for too long!

When you’re cleaning a rug, always start from the top and work your way down. This will help you avoid getting any dirt that’s been left behind by other cleaners into the fibers of your rug. Oriental Rug Hand Cleaning Master & Repair Winter Park will do these jobs for you. If you’re from Winter Park, FL and you’re ready to book a rug cleaning service, give me a call at (407) 482-6578 today!